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tv   Markets Now  FOX Business  February 22, 2013 11:00am-1:00pm EST

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the favorite movie. like mine, it is a bill murray movie. "caddy shack." my favorite is "what about bob." it will always be. time for the highlight reel. >> the president called with tiger. stuart: that brings us nicely to the new subject. >> i am perfectly fine being 38 and single and not having kids and not being in a relationship. i love what i do. i do not have to fake it. stuart: are you advertising? [ laughter ] >> no. stuart: that was the highlight
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real from the week. any personal favorites that we put in or missed out? charles: it was tough. there was a lot of good stuff this week. [talking over each other] charles: i really wanted the viewers -- stuart: you are all heart, charles. we are all out of time. dagen and connell, it is all yours. dagen: that was a love fest going on. good morning. i am dagen mcdowell. connell: i am connell mcshane. blackrock is first up on the show today. dagen: gas prices are at a record for this time of year.
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an energy analyst in this country says you better watch the west coast. connell: boeing ceo finally speaking up about the dreamliner mass. dagen: former massachusetts senator, scott brown, thinks the budget cuts will hit your wallet in ways you do not expect. connell: he will be here to make his case. you cannot buy an oscar. they do not guarantee hollywood's highest honor. dagen: top of the hour. stocks now and every 15 minutes. nicole: a market that is now gaining ground. we are up 50 points on the dow jones industrial. the dollar has changed direction. most of the dow components are
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in the green. drug stocks, bank stocks, all doing well here today. back to you. connell: thank you. two more on the market now. the cash is king. we have a totally different take on it today. ross is the chief strategist at blackrock. this is not a misspelling at the back of your screen. it is actually an acronym for how you are investing these days. canada, singapore, switzerland, hong kong, as well as, australia. let me start with australia. >> the basic theme here is a fairly simple one. you think about the environment since the financial crisis. one of the conclusions you come to is that the developmental
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world is in a bad spot. the interesting thing is canada, australia, singapore, they came out of the financial crisis. some of our themes is investigating these smaller developing countries. connell: i think it is an interesting point. you are absolutely right about that. what about somebody wondering, what about us? what about us? >> the short answer is there is nothing wrong with us. most people own too much of it.
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that has actually worked out very well the last few years. the u.s. will -- stocks are expensive compared to the rest of the world. the suggestion is not to own the u.s., but all a little less of it. you just look at your 401(k) and change allocation in terms of percentage. are you worried about something in particular here in the u.s.? we will talk about the sequestration later with mr. brown. the markets, will they have a big selloff? >> i do not know if we are looking at a big selloff. we have faced these huge issues.
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will the u.s. go off the fiscal cliff? i think this is a more modest issue. we are putting a lot of fiscal drag. that is a lot of money for an economy only growing 2%. my concern is not a major selloff, but a growth disappointment in the first half. we are looking at a correction, should that happen. connell: we will have this debate and continue to have it. some people are saying that this of kuester is a really big deal. it is in a slow bleed. it is not as big of a deal. >> you cannot look at it in
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isolation. in total, again, it is not a game changer, but it will be a drag for the first part of the year. connell: pretty good acronym. thanks a lot. >> thank you, connell. dagen: gas prices at a record high for this time of year. we have the chief oil analyst for the oil price information service, tom kloza. you didn't really see this coming, did you? the run-up that we got so early in the year. >> i did not see it coming so early in the year. it is pretty typical of the run-up.
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there are a couple of extra things that are contributing this year. we have seen this movie before and we know how it ends. dagen: talk about the refineries in the amount of money that the refiners are able to make based on the spread between crude oil and gas prices. >> two things. maintenance is contributing to higher prices. if you are not performing maintenance, you are making profits like counterfeiters. you have crude anywhere from 80- $117. it is not typical and it is not sustainable for refiners to make 20-$50 a barrel on gasoline. that is just way, way off the charts. dagen: what has created that unusual spread this go around? is that investors? is it investment money? >> i think a lot of investment
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money and the fund managers have bought gasoline futures. we will see some numbers later today that will show even more of a bias. that will cool off. when that peaks, that is a sign that maybe the market will back off. i think it will back off by quite a bit once we get there. dagen: you say watch the west coast. are we already seeing that in terms of gas prices? >> yes. they have switched to summer gasoline on the west coast. they are probably in the seventh or eighth inning of their maintenance. they are finishing that up. they have prices for dollars $0.25 above. watch that. if that moves down, that may be a sign of things to come.
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if i had to bet on it, i would say no. i think we will get to the point where a lot of people predicted. there will be a lot of people predicting $4.55. i do not think that will happen. dagen: best movie? >> i would say best movie was "argo." i have seen him all. dagen: i agree with you although i have only seen one and that was "argo." connell: i have only seen one and that is your pick. the cyber threat that we have been talking about drought the week from china. also from russia, the rules that they live by and how those rules do not apply to terrorist organizations. dagen: former senator scott brown says harry reid will not budge until he can take more from the rich.
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connell: boeing ceo and the need to get that dreamliner airborne again. dagen: with the academy award coming up, we have combined our love of the movies with business. we are asking some ceos which movies inspired them. trading places, casino, it's a wonderful life -- we will give you the answer after the break. ♪ is the best.
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i don't have to leave my desk and get up and go to the post office anymore. [ male announcer ] with you can print real u.s. postage for all your letters and packages. i have exactly the amount of postage i need,
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the instant i need it. can you print only stamps? no... first class. priority mail. certified. international. and the mail manicks it up. i don't leave the shop anymore. [ male announcer ] get a 4 week trial plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. you are gonna need a wingman. and my cash back keeps the party going. but my airline miles take it worldwide. [ male announcer ] it shouldn't be this hard.
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with, it's easy to search hundreds of cards and apply online. ♪ connell: we were asking about movies about finance. you thought maybe it was trading places or casino or it's a wonderful life. his answer is "it's a wonderful
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life." dagen: jimmy stewart's character explained it in the simplest way . connell: and all-american choice right there. "casino" is so much better than those other two. [ laughter ] dagen: you like it because of robert de niro's character. charles: i just hated that he let the woman walked all over him. other than that, he was amazing. you never fire the nevada state gamers supervisor's cousin. [ laughter ] a couple things. first of all, on monday, i hope people were watching. we were open, open the else was.
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up 29%. people have taken profits. it is actually pulled back a little bit from the high. up about 21% right now. saturday and sunday, i read the paper where they had an article about byob, bring your own device. i thought that was -- i was excited about it. i knew those names. did you see fire source today? >> no. not today. charles: look at that move. 19%. a grand slam. i would take profits on aruba and hold this one.
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i think it will go much higher. dagen: you are great this week and you always look good. charles: not quite de niro. connell: let's go to nicole petallides for stocks now. nicole: some news to watch here. let's start off with abercrombie and fitch. the young retailer and how people are heading into the store. you have seen the stock down 6.7%. their outlook is somewhat weak. their holiday sales not so great. hollister will go under their umbrella. the stock down nearly 7%.
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a quick look here at marvell. pretty much above the analyst investments. the stock is up nearly 2% today. this is certainly a nice winner for you. back to you. dagen: thank you, nicole. connell: the traditional worlds of warfare are not necessarily imply here. we will show you why terror cells are altering cyber security. dagen: scott brown standing by to talk to us about the massive spending cuts. take a look to world currencies. ♪ clients are always learning more
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so we created the extraordinarily comfortable sleep number experience. a collection of innovations designed around a bed with dualair technology that allows you to adjust to the support your body needs - each of your bodies. our sleep professionals will help you find your sleep number setting. exclusively at a sleep number store.
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sleep number. comfort... individualized. at the ultimate sleep number event, queen mattresses start at just $599 . and save 50% on our limited edition bed. ends sunday! we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much. i appreciate it. i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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>> i have your fox news minute. a judge in south africa has set bail for oscar pistorious at $113,000. he is free pending his trial in
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the valentines day shooting death of his girlfriend. the olympian says the shooting was an accident. prosecutors say it was premeditated murder. the current 3g network only allows residents to make phone calls. more than 1 million koreans use mobile phones, but the service is not for them. the government started allowing for visitors to bring mobile devices into the country starting just this year. the april 6 youth movement in egypt entering president mohammed orsi name and in online contest with a trip into space. the group became fierce critics. that is your fox news minute. back now to connell. connell: thank you for that.
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the attack on a network's website. a lot of high-profile attacks on u.s. government agencies, twitter account and so on. china is responsible for a lot of these breaches. scott ward is here to say it is a lot more than that. you work with the government, is that correct? >> yes. connell: we are entering a arms race. is that a fair comparison? >> there are many things that it has in common with the cold war arms race. we have a new kind of weapon that is so phenomenally different. we really cannot transfer most of the weapons and strategies from the cold war.
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connell: what people did is they took what they know. that is why these arms race comparisons are coming up. what are the main things that you would say this is different and this is different. >> the first one would be these weapons do not just destroy things. they take control of them. they are like an army of agents that can take control of an entire system and do whatever hundreds of agents could do. the second thing is, in the cold war, we relied on deterrence. connell: does not work? >> in the cyber world, if we are attacked, we will not know for sure who attacked us. connell: i know people have had concerns. it could be al qaeda. >> right now there are only six or seven government that have
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this. cca could be anybody with too much knowledge. some say companies are most at risk. will this be a huge economic story, you think? >> i think it already is. i think it already is a huge economic story, it just has not been recognized as such. the chinese are engaged in a campaign to steal all of our competitive and important business information so they can replace entire industries with industries in china. connell: the chinese government. >> in order to keep their people
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happy, china has to maintain a very high economic growth rate. the only way they can do that is by stealing western technology and copying it. the government is carrying out a massive campaign. connell: we will bring you back and talk more about how companies deal with this and what kind of risk we are talking about. scott borg, nice to meet you. thank you for coming in today. dagen: why senator harry reid will not budge. scott brown on the money politics going on in washington and how it will cost us all in ways we do not even expect. boeing ceo trying to sell the government on a short-term fix on the dreamliner's battery problem. trying to get these planes in the air again. here are some of today's winners on the s&p 500. ♪ [ indistinct shouting ]
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♪ [ indistinct shouting ] [ male announcer ] time and sales data. split-second stats. [ indistinct shouting ] ♪ it's so close to the options floor... [ indistinct shouting, bell dinging ]'ll bust your brain box. ♪ all onhinkorswim from td ameritrade. ♪ more "likes." more tweets. so, beginning today, my son brock and his whole team will be our new senior social media strategists.
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aany questions? since we make radiator valves wouldn't it be better if we just let fedex help us to expand to new markets? hmm gotta admit that's better than a few "likes." i don't have the door code. who's that? he won a contest online to be ceo for the day. how am i supposed to run a business he without an office?! [ male announcer ] fast, reliable deliveries worldwide. fedex.
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dagen: it is the bottom of the hour and stocks now. nicole: hp is on the move big time. it is up about 18% right now. the number one earner in the dow jones industrial. a great performer. it was a big loser in the year 2012. it certainly is a good one to watch now. that outlook is looking good. the profits beat the street.
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this sales guidance is helping it right along. adding more than ten points to the dow jones industrials. meg whitman is so key to this turnaround plan for hewlett-packard. there have been no plans to break up the company. obviously, doing well here for a company that has been beaten down, full management changes and today hewlett-packard shareholders are probably pretty happy. connell: our next guest on markets now says the lack of leadership in d.c. could bring those cuts to her wallet. the former massachusetts republican senator and current fox news contributor joins us now. scott brown. good to have you on markets now.
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>> thank you. connell: it is a discussion that has turned into a debate. what is the real world impact of the budget cuts, if they happen? if the still cluster goes into affect, how would you characterize it? >> that is all they are talking about. it affects not only the contractors, but the men and women serving all the way down to the supply chain of the smallest provider. there is a lack of leadership. you have people like harry reid and chuck schumer who basically bring us to the brink every single time and then try to ram through a bill that has a great title, but does not do what it is supposed to.
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it is really shameful. connell: there are not many people like you left. how may people like you are left in congress? >> yes. there is about 23 that we could actually take and move to get closer. right now, that number, obviously, we are gone. the extremes on both sides are just so partisan right now. it is really affecting who we are as a country and how we solve our problems. connell: that was an interesting perspective that you brought on the personal level. in the last few days, particularly from conservative commentators, they have been making this case that big picture on a macro level, these cuts are not as big as you think. that the administration is trying to do with the president appearance the other day with
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the first responders behind him. sudden spending cuts to bleed slowly. only half a percent of total economic output. the economy will not feel it at all. are you countering that? >> listen, of course it is a big deal. it affects people in a very real level. the most important thing is, yes, he is using his bully pulpit. bottom line is, this is something they have known about for over a year. we got to this point because we did not want to default on our dad. we came up with a true kony and deal.
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if it is real and they want to get to it, they should get to it. connell: it is most likely to go into affect now, don't you think? >> listen, i hope i am wrong, it will go into affect. they will have the finger blaming game. then, down the road, they will continue the resolution and they will probably work out a deal to step back virtually. bottom line is, what do we do next year? looking for a long-term solution to our $16.5 trillion national debt. connell: one of the things they cited the last time we were downgraded was dysfunction in washington. senator brown, good to have you on board at fox. thank you for coming on today. we appreciate it. >> anytime. thank you. dagen: meeting today with federal aviation officials to present the company's solutions
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to the battery problems that have grounded the 787 dreamliner fleet. talking about what the 787 means for the company's future. this airplane is our near and medium term future. mike lloyd is the president of boyd international group. how would you rate the response? >> i do not know what else he can do. he is not a cheerleader. we know what we know. it will not advance the process at all. i give him a pretty good rating. he is trying to get the company fixed. we are only talking 50 airplanes out of 14,000 across the globe.
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it is a big thing. i think he is doing the job he should be doing. he pushed the development of this 787 dreamliner. did the company bite off more than they can handle. there were company delays. now this. let's keep in mind this is one airplane and it is an isolated problem. the airplane has behaved properly. it has performed up to airline expectations. we have a battery issue. we do not know what that issue is. i think they been off what they should have bitten off in order to move forward with their company. dagen: it looks like it could be hopeful -- this is the first time this has happened since
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late 1979. they will not begin flying these things until at least early june >> you have to make plans for your flight schedule two-three months in advance. that makes sense. let's understand that nobody really knows what the solution is. you better believe that they are saying, please, bring a solution. we do not have one either. it is an isolated problem, but one they have not thought about fixing it. i think they will, but i cannot say when. dagen: thank you mike. mike boyd. good to talk to you. reaching far and wide trying to fix that. mike, again, thank you very much. we have this breaking noise to bring you from the "wall street journal." the justice department has decided to join the whistleblower lawsuit against
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cyclist lance armstrong. to explain the background of this, the former teammate filed a whistleblower lawsuit which individuals can do alleging that the team led by armstrong the front at the government. again, this is a way for the justice department to investigate armstrong. they originally dropped the case. it moved on to the u.s. anti-doping agency. he has now admitted in front of oprah winfrey that he did though. the justice department is noww3 back involved in the lawsuit. this was expected. this means there are more legal headaches ahead on mr. lance armstrong. connell: we will continue to follow that story as he sticks around in the news. speaking of sticking around, the weather, wait, that has really
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been a story. there is money at work here. airlines, heating oil, we will bring you the latest coming up. dagen: the money game in hollywood. that is ahead here and ahead of the oscars on sunday. take a look at the treasury market. what worries do we have about our rising debt in this country? the yield is under 2%. ♪ today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready? we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities.
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siemens. answers.
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>> i am adam shapiro with your fox business brief. stocks are on the right snapping a today losing streak. the dow is up. nevada's decision to legalize online gambling. it makes them out of the first aid in the country to approve interstate online gaming. zynga file for an online gambling license in nevada back in december. according to the department of agriculture, stocks are expected to boost cord to more than 2 million bushels by the end of 2013-2014 market year.
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that is the latest from the fox business network. giving you the power to prosper. ♪ [ shapiro ] at legalzoom, you can take care of virtually all your imptant legal matters in just minutes. protect youramily... and launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side.
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dagen: parts of kansas digging out today from over a foot of snow. connell: the storm comes east which is not great for us, but even worse probably up in new england. we have a meteorologist all over. she is in the fox business weather center. >> it just never ends. let's take a look at what we are dealing with. that storm has brought 18 inches of snow over parts of kansas. though cold front is situated across the southeast. a wintry mix for all of these
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states. we have another winter weather advisory of in new england. we have a storm system that is going to develop off the coast. a couple of inches in a very short period of time. a piece of this storm system will break off and bring us our nor'easter. we think it will be too warm for snow around new york and philadelphia. heading up towards lofting, we think this is going to be snow and we think it could be heavy snow. we will be dealing with mostly rain event up towards newark and long island. south of boston, we will
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continue to watch this area. if it is cold enough for snow, it will be called but it should be warm enough for mostly rain. something we will have to monitor. we had another storm system moving into the northwest this weekend. it could bring more snow to kansas and nebraska on monday. connell: that will keep you busy next week. >> it is never ending. what was that groundhog thinking? dagen: i love janice's passion for the weather. she cares. >> thank you. dagen: stocks now. nicole petallides at the new york stock exchange. nicole: i care about the weather and i care about this market. hewlett-packard accounts for
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more than ten of those points right now. 10%. coming out with quarterly numbers that pete the street. coca-cola up almost 2%. home depot and dupont up 1.5%. most of the names are doing better. a lot of the traders were expecting the pullback to continue. this week, we had seen some selling. that was our second biggest drop for the year 2013. we had seen selling. the new preset record, however, today is a different picture. the dollar is still stronger. a little less talk about than bernanke and the stimulus. back to you.
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connell: we are leading up to the oscars. the money game in hollywood is coming up next. it does not guarantee an oscar when. dagen: we have another multiple-choice question. which ceo is thankful for the lessons he learned from "pulp fiction"? is that boyd from goldman sachs, mark delaney or don thompson? connell: we will see will be come back. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] do you engineer a true automotive breakthrough? ♪ you give it bold new styling, unsurpassed luxury and nearly 1,000 improvements.
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introducing the redesigned 2013 glk. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. i don't have to leave my desk and get up and go to the post office anymore. [ male announcer ] with you can print real u.s. postage for all your letters and packages. i have exactly the amount of postage i need, the instant i need it. can you print only smps? no... first class. priority mail. certified. international. and the mail manicks it up. i don't leave the shop anymore. [ male announcer ] get a 4 week trial plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again.
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♪ dagen: oh, man, does it get any
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better than this? i do not think it does. well, maybe it does. which ceo is thankful for the lessons that "pulp fiction" that them? connell: let's reveal the answer. it is mr. burt bertolini. he says today he is the ceo of a fortune 100 company. the movie is chaotic and that is how life is. dagen: "hit men" blowing somebody's head off by accident. see. not quite what you were thinking of. take a look at the highest grossing films of last year.
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none of these films are nominated for a best picture academy award. connell: kevin mccarthy is here. a fox news contributor, as well. why doesn't it translate directly? >> box office success, oscar films are always the safe films. they are generally more older. generally, you do not see a correlation. those five movies that you just saw on the screen, "avengers" or "sky fall" i would love to see those. dagen: i will take -- at least this year, six of the nine best picture nominees have made at
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least $100 million. zero dark 30 is close to breaking that mark. last year, the artist grossed $40 million. the upside of this is people will actually want to watch this weekend because folks have seen these flicks. >> i agree. why can't we see films like that? "sky fall" should be nominated this year. connell: usually i have never seen any of the movies that come out until afterwards. you have seen most of them. dagen: i have seen one, i think. connell: they have done well. >> "silver linings playbook"
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really benefited. that movie ended up in the top ten after being out for ten or 11 weeks. that movie is doing incredible. the oscars definitely help. dagen: "argo" is best picture. >> yes. the best thing that ever happened to "argo" was an aflac being snubbed. dagen: it one the british academy award. >> only three films that ever won best picture, the last time that happened was 1990 with "driving miss daisy." with everything going forward, it will take all best picture on oscar night. i think "jingle unchained"
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should take best picture. that is my opinion. connell: give it a little more time. thank you for coming in. >> thank you for having me. it is an honor to be here. thank you so much. dagen. businesses elected wellness programs to pay workers to lose weight. i just pray i am not that but ever. connell: dennis kneale and sandra smith are coming up next. don't go away. ♪
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12:00 pm
so we created the extraordinarily comfortable sleep number experience. a collection of innovations designed around a bed with dualair technology that allows you to adjust to the support your body needs - each of your bodies. our sleep professionals will help you find your sleep number setting. exclusively at a sleep number store. sleep number. comfort... individualized. at the ultimate sleep number event, queen mattresses start at just $599 . and save 50% on our limited edition bed. ends sunday! you are gonna ne a wingman. and my cash back keeps the party going. but my airline miles take it worldwide. [ male announcer ] it shouldn't be this hard. with, it's easy to search hundreds of cards and apply online.
12:01 pm
sandra: good afternoon, i am sandra smith. dennis: 9 dennis kneale. back on track after two days of losses in dow stocks heading for all time highs, but it is the fed about to kill the buzz. sandra: budget cuts a week away but is watching and crying wolf? we examine it sequester may not be so bad. dennis: willis program is that he workers to lose weight but you may be surprised to learn who is making money on a. top of the hour, stocks every 15 minutes, done all of a little bit.
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nicole petallides at stock exchange to tell us about it. nicole: the biggest piece of pizza average to do this report. let's talk about what we're seeing on the dow jones industrial average, the dow was up 64 points getting closer to being flat for the week so if you're looking for 40 points, then even for the week the dow is up 1/2% led by hewlett-packard with numbers that impressed wall street, hewlett-packard up 10%, ticketing nasdaq up 1/2%, seeing a lot of green arrows on the big board. the transportation index, retail index, drug index ended bank index with the arrows so certainly the sentiment is to the upside and aig everyone remembers the big bailout by taxpayers in 2008 and now we are seeing some good news coming out, fourth quarter results beat the street, analysts were impressed with this so we have seen them doing well from life-insurance that did well, across-the-board, very nice move
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with aig of 2.5%. connell: back to that slice. sandra: will be economy and the market do without the fed? chad morgan lander with the full nicholas and wells fargo senior economist joining us, you see the economy, the latest fed chair is dead on but the head winds we are facing today, do you think markets can survive without all the fed stimulus? >> the fed is not about to take the punch bowl away just yet but they are right to be discussing what the proper timing is. there is a sense that the fed will keep buying $80 billion in securities month after month all the way through 2013 and a good part of 2014. that is too long a time. the economy is doing okay and i will stress okay, running 2% annual rate of the recession
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ended, decline in the fourth quarter will be revised the way and in the middle of this year on july 31st we will get revisions to gdp data going back to 1929 and what we believe they will show is growth is stronger than people think, 2.4% pace as the recession ended and stronger than that in 2013 and that environment yes, the fed should be thinking about taking the punch bowl away by the end of the year. sandra: you at our contracting community. >> i believe the federal reserve will continue to monetize because they have already laid out they are going to look at the inflation expectations of 2.5% and unemployment 6% and they will continue to that at $85 billion a month but until they reach that inflexion point. the u.s. economy is growing at 2% and we are at a point in time when with the financial markets,
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the financial markets to move higher in particular the s&p 500 you have to see the baton pass from this liquidity driven rally to more of an economic and earnings driven rally. sandra: you are saying this past turning seas in which some argue was spectacular corporate earnings 90% beating expectations, you don't think that that that into the rally? >> your of your of 3.6%. you are going off of an earnings of $103 to $105 for 2013 which contrasts market expectations of roughly $113. the expectations are very high for 200013. with that said we are moderately optimistic about the market. it can go higher. sandra: you think the economy has not bounced back as much, it will continue to stimulate the market. i want to get back to mark. if the fed were to get out of
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the picture here i have been saying america has been artificially propped up by the fed. that is during this rally. if they pull themselves out of the picture because the economy is getting better, we experience a huge massive stock market sell-off. >> i don't think we get a massive sell-off. people have to come to realize that the economy has gotten as bad as it is going to get. this is the new normal. it is scary in some ways and not scary in other ways. people have unrealistic expectations as to how strong the economy is going to get and as far as what the fed has said they change their mind all the time. what bothers me about what the fed has said is they talk about being reactive. monetary policy works with a long and variable -- if they wait until the unemployment rate falls below 6.5%, they start
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taking the easy out? [talking over each other] >> our economic forecast is for the economy to improve in 2013. when you look at q 4, 2013, you will be at 3%. edlund lead in the normal. sandra: one about -- >> a minimal amount-drag and if you for the fiscal drag of the sequester and tax increases you come of with 1% kind of drag on the u.s. economy. all in the economy for 2013 can grow numb to present and 2014 you can see modest amount of improvement. sandra: the sequester we are we away from and gas prices, the new norm is $3.75 at the pump? >> i hope that is not the new norm but we have seen the squeeze in the gasoline market last couple years as refinery switchover to producing their suburbans. it is a temporary spike the will go away by the middle of the
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year. we are in agreement that if the economy is doing better, we're growing 3%, where is the fire? why the need to buy $80 million of security? widely knee--2% of the federal funds rate? that doesn't make any sense in the world. the unemployment rate is a lagging indicator. it improves after the fact. monetary policy takes a long time to take effect. [talking over each other] >> the federal reserve just wants to guarantee that there is going to be improvement in the u.s. economy where we are going to have self sustaining recovery. we both agree right now we are not there, not at the self sustaining recovery par. the fed will keep pressing on the gas until all systems are go and everyone should not be delusional about it. sandra: thanks for joining us. as we speak, the dow up 62 points. trying to figure out which way to go. sandra: dennis: one weeks ago to mandatory budget cuts kick in,
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but leaders in washington are in no rush to negotiate. rich edson standing by with with the latest. rich: the white house is one of significant consequences of automatic budget cuts are allowed to begin on march 1st. what we have is a briefing by the transportation secretary ray lahood talking about how americans could see flight delays of 90 minutes or even cancel flights as the faa is going to have to furlough raise significant number of air-traffic controllers. earlier this week it was the agricultural secretary talking about how food and meat inspectors would have to be furloughed. compromising the food safety in this country and the continued rollout by the white house to talk about the negative effects and consequences of those across the board spending cuts in non republicans saying because they refused to close tax loopholes for the wealthy, these automatic spending cuts will have to hit the budget on march 1st. republicans respond that this is
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all a show. >> it is a big deal when you're taking money out of people's pocket books and wallets and not giving the madonna and laying the market affects people are very real level but the most important thing is the president is using his bully pulpit and scaring people and bringing out the forces unleashing his cabinet to do the dog and pony show around the country. rich: the u.s. senate votes on not republican than democratic proposal to avoid these spending cuts which you have on the democratic side of 50/50 mix between tax increases and spending cuts. republicans say their proposal won't raise taxes on anyone and so we are still at the starting point of these very familiar negotiations meaning it is very unlikely it seems much gets done in a way of avoiding the spending cuts. they kick in one week. dennis: this is a contrived crisis. we are talking $85 billion in the first year and a budget of $3.5 trillion of that is $85 on $3,500 and perish the thought
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that instead of firing supposedly security workers at the airport, people back in the office. instead of meat inspectors fire people back of the office. just trying to make this as crisis ridden as possible. wouldn't be so bad if we cut spending a little bit. rich: people look at the size of government spending well north of $3 trillion and c $85 billion have not much but what the administration would say if you look at the way the law was designed known as sequestration, across-the-board spending cuts, it reduces each government account by a certain percentage. the administration, with the secretaries and the administration would say if you gave us flexibility to allow us to cut here a little deeper instead of cutting their, as opposed to each government account by a set number that they could avoid the more dire circumstances they are talking about right now and that, giving the government, the administration the flexibility to move more money around in the department is something the republicans and the house are considering.
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dennis: thanks very much. sandra: j.c. penney ceo ron johnson, we have been hearing a lot about him, laying off 300 workers this week at the company's headquarters in texas. in an effort to radically overhaul the struggling department store's chain but johnson isn't working through the night to come of with a solution for this big turnaround plan. he rarely even works a full week according to sources. when the ceo does come to town, meet on the company private jet, and all at the expense of the retailer. this is according to our colleagues at the new york post. j.c. penney shares down 40% over the past year, today trading slightly. dennis: i bet you don't care about a hotel. that guy is a retail start. he built chapel into a $14 billion a year operation and falling stock flying higher, the committee meets this afternoon with the faa on a plan to end that battery problem for the dreamliner and we will be live in washington with that at how the ceo of the company is
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dealing with this crisis. sandra: takes to help you in your office full. address ahead with an unbelievable track record on picking the winners. dennis: as we do every day and we take a look at another level.
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today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready? we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities.
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siemens. answers. you are gonna need a wingman. and my cash back keeps the party going. but my airline miles take it worldwide. [ male announcer ] it shouldn't be this hard. with, it's easy to search hundreds of cards
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and apply online. liz: charles payne here following up on health care stock. charles: we did it last month that won't take profits, we will stick with it. 46 right now, still a nice percentage, there's a 14% short position on this. i don't think it is going to walk away. is an amazing story. let me tell you what they do. they have a device called the vagus nerve stimulation and is
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implanted sending impulses to your brain. the main use is epilepsy. amazing potential to treat depression. it was approved in 2005. they don't do a lot of orders but as you can see earnings were up 48%, both of them beat the st. top and bottom line, record amount of sales in europe, who is selling anything, 37%, international sales and forecasts for the year was better than the previous forecast. i love the way the company is going, one of these names that sounds for far-fetched sending signals to the brain. dennis: anytime they can put it to other uses, huge upside. one problem is the obamacare cuts cut medical equipment more than any reimbursement. these guys are making medical equipment. charles: they had to pay extra money because of obamacare which
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is unfortunate because it comes out of research and development and it is hard to quantify how many lives could be saved or ultimately might not have been saved down a road because of the late research and development not just from this company but across the medical industry. you are right, that did hurt them. dennis: did not have a good lobbyist. charles: they are much smaller and the tanning booths didn't have any lobby. dennis: thank you very much. see you this weekend. charles: nicole petallides on the floor of the stock exchange with a live look at what is happening with markets now. nicole: we are trending higher, of about 69 points for the dow jones industrials, 13,949 so not quite at the 14,000 mark by erasing some of the losses that we incurred throughout the week. we see the tech savvy nasdaq
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composite's, the tech -- let's look at blackberry, the new blackberry 10 has been announced, the launch is under way. can still get to the store and buy it. that is part of the problem that is downgrading the stock. from $12 to a sell rating and saying obviously delayed bond and committee apps, fewer apps than they hope for new product. dennis: citigroup shares are moving hire. we will tell you how the bank is retreating on a profit-sharing plan for top executives to appease its shareholders and whether investors seem to like it. sandra: the dreamliner's nightmare, the company is presenting its sixth, seventy-seven battery problems to be a. dennis: how currencies are faring against the u.s. dollar, the dollar kicking butt. [ male announcer ] at his current pace,
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>> 28 minutes past the hour your fox news minute. there are more legal woes for lance armstrong. the justice department joining a
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whistle-blower suits brought on by former teammate floyd landis alleging armstrong and others on the team defrauded the government when they took sponsorship dollars with the understanding there would be no use of performance enhancing drugs. a judge in south africa set bail for oscar pistorius at $100,000, he is free pending his trial in the shooting death of his girlfriend. the olympians says the shooting was an accident thinking it was an intruder. prosecutors call it premeditated murder. blowing snow left large drift on midway highways. leaving some truckers with no place to go. before the storm moved out of the plane that dropped 13 inches of snow in north oklahoma and ten inches in kansas city. that is a lot of snow. that is your fox news minute. sandra: i will take it from there. maybe some good news. this recent sell-off everyone has been fearful of what is happening in the market but
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maybe it is not time to dodge out of stocks. city group came up with 50 winning stocks, the global chance. here is who made the list. don't look at all of these because i will be identified when they did not put on, las vegas and on the list, they also like hog, harley-davidson. it different one going forward cosmetics company estee lauder, the credit-card companies including mastercard, keep in mind whenever it these stocks they have gotten hit in the recent sell-off but they said these are the stocks to beach. they have international businesses that lead in their sectors, strong balance sheet and signs of pricing power. these other reasons in technology, ebay, microsoft and the highly talked about google which is getting a nice boost today. will get this year to date chart. one of the big winners this year at $800 a share. what was not on the list, shockingly, apple. they did not put it on or
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provide a reason but it is not on the global buy list right now. there were a lot of big names, 60 stocks on the list, apple did not make it. $448 a share today, this was actually a. they don't like it. dennis: that is the first for someone not with apple, time to buy it. thanks very much. changes coming to citigroup, the still struggling bank will end profit sharing plan for senior executives after getting static from big shareholders, citigroup also says its performance relative to other big banks will represent the portion of the top brass's compensation. this is after shareholders voted against the $15 million pay package for vikram pandit. his successor may be $11 million last year as much as the chief at jpmorgan chase, the chase earned three times as much as city. sandra: big business launching wellness programs to pay workers
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to lose weight. who is really making money? dennis: i will get rich because i have some much money to lose. the academy awards this weekend we have combined our love of movies with our love of business nfc eos which movie inspired them. sandra: which inspired goldman sachs's president gary kohn? top gun or dennis birdy? the answer to that in a moment. with the spark cash card from capital one... boris earns unlimited rewards for his small business. can i get the smith contract, ease? thank you. that's three new paper shredders. [ boris ] put 'em on my spark card. [ garth ] boris' small business earns 2% cash back on every pchase every day. great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. read back the chicken's testimony, please. "buk, buk, bukka!" [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose 2% cash back or double miles
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on every purchase every day. told you i'd get half. what's in your walle
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dennis: we ask you what movie inspired goldman sachs president . mr. holland's opus, top gun or rudy. sandra: the answer is "top gun."
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dennis: i think he should have picked "rudy" just to look better. sandra: bottom of the hour. stocks now. nicole petallides. nicole: hewlett-packard is a stellar performer today. the dow jones industrial component is a member of the dow. it is the best performer on the dow. it is up about 10% today. they were under a lot of pressure, not only last year, but the last couple of years. meg whitman has taken over the reins. there has been a five-year turnaround. we are also seeing here that hewlett-packard is saying they have no plans to break up the company. earnings were down, but the profit did actually beat the street.
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you know that hp is obviously on the road to doing better things. a guided that they are saved from hewlett-packard is conservative. ubs upgraded from a neutral to a buy. citigroup seems to be the one that is a little more cautious. back to you. sandra: thank you very much, no call. proposing a long-term fix to the 787. minor. peter barnes joins us now. peter: the company has been testing the new design. they want to test new flights.
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it is just how much testing the government will demand to make sure any new design is safe? the faa plans to deliver a statement today after it meeting with boeing. if the new battery design checks out, good reminders could be back in the air by april or so. it helps to get the planes flying again by mid-march. everyone is working to get to the answer as quickly as possible and good progress is being made. sandra: peter barnes, thank you very much. dennis: companies are treading the fat. big businesses are launching wellness programs that pay workers to lose weight. that will then cut down on corporate insurance cost. programs for some of the biggest programs in the country.
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healthy thank you for being with us, david. how does this work? >> we organized weight-loss challenges. the employees put a little skin in the game. they put in a little bit of money and they have the opportunity to win large cash prizes. it is a fun way to get the employees involved in weight management because they like the competition. dennis: competition can be great. i remember i was in a competition where all of us lost weight. >> we have 50 of the fortune 500
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offering this to their employees. there are municipalities and school districts also. dennis: it sounds like a great motivator. i am trying to figure out how to make money on this. i pay $300 if i lose the weight, i get $1000. if i do not, you pocket the 800. >> our success rate is about 15-25% and now program. dennis: you get to keep $220 out of that 300. that is a pretty good profit origin for you.
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aren't you kind of betting on failure? >> well, i do not really think so. there is a robust academic literature. they are also doing a gym membership or a weight watchers or a nutrisystem. the vast majority of people who make a bet and up losing some point in our program even if we only pay out 15-25% of the people the $1000 prize. dennis: do you think we will get to a point where employers will make me pay more when i am fat instead of charging me the same rate they charge a slender employee? that is the reverse of what you
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are doing. >> i think that companies are, you know, part of it is a cautious thing. i think more so than that, employers want to help their employees change their behavior. cash is in effective way to do that. that is a really healthy wage of mission. if i pay you $50 or $100 or $150, what will it take to make you lose the weight pressure mark we are trying to figure out how to structure those plans. dennis: set up a website and let me gamble with you back and forth without even requiring my employer to be part of that. >> we are direct to consumers. you can make a little wager. dennis: bingo. sounds like a great idea. i will take that on.
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thank you very much for being with us. sandra: a ski vacation without all the hassles. a company that delivers the skis right to your door. dennis: take a look at the ten year treasury. ♪ dad, i'd put that down. ah. 4g, huh? verizon 4g lte. 700 megahertz spectrum, end-to-end, pure lte build.
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the most consistent speeds indoors or out. and, obviously, astonishing throughput. obviously... you know how fast our home wifi is? yeah. this is basically just asast. oh. and verizon's got more fast lte coverage than all other networks combined. it's better. yes. oh, why didn't you just say that? h-- what is he doing? ♪ [ male announcer ] every car we build must make adrenaline pump and pulses quicken. ♪ to help you not just to stay alive... but feel alive. the new c-class is no exception. it's a mercedes-benz through and through. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services.
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>> hi, everyone. i have their your fox business brief. general motors is planning to invest in its south korean unit over the next five years. the money will be used to develop new vehicles and improve production and design capabilities. retailer formally changing its retailer to destination exile group. they have already changed its ticker symbol. more than 28% drop in your paycheck last year. receiving less than $10 million in compensation. down from the year before. that is the latest from the fox business network. giving you the power to prosper. ♪ and my cash back keeps the party going. but my airline miles take it worldwide.
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[ male announcer ] it shouldn't be this hard. with, it's easy to search hundreds of cards and apply line.
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sandra: my next guest helps skiers get across the country without having to travel with all that ski equipment. black-tie ski rental. the largest one in north america. thank you for joining us. >> sandra, thank you for having me. sandra: you and your partner cofounded this company back in 2002. you were still in high school. how exactly does this work? some of the biggest pains are lugging all the equipment around. when you get there, you have to go rent it. how does that work? >> first of all, thanks for having me. i may have looked like i was in high school. i was a little bit out of college. i do appreciate the comment. it is just, how it works, we bring everything right to people's room. we take all the hassle out of a
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ski vacation. we bring things right to people's room. we eased the convenience. we take all the hassle. sandra: it seems you've met the founder of the company while you were in high school. got it. you guys have really expanded across the country. what kind of people are calling you up? >> really everyone. our demographic is just about anyone that goes on a ski vacation. we have 13 locations servicing 35 resorts. it really is anyone looking to, like i said, take the hassle out of that ski vacation. bringing it right to their rooms. we make life a lot easier. just the other day, i was in a room helping a family. the dad pulled me aside and shook my hand. he said thank you so much for just saving my day.
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one of our terms is we save people's vacations one at a time before you are doing this yourself, you do not have employees working for you? >> >> what we started, i partner and i were in a lot of the rooms ourselves. you know, out in the hallways taking phone calls and doing it all. sandra: you do not charge for your service, correct? >> that is true. sandra: tough economic times. people's vacations are cut shorter, how is your business doing? >> we are still doing very well.
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what really makes us unique is all of our locations are individually owned and operated. it really ensures that the quality stays high. this year we are on track to show 20% growth over the last year. sandra: thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. dennis: in today's media minute, webtv. tv ad spending now at $70 billion a year. we will soon measure itunes, netflix. viewers still are watching, but it is watching on a new and uncounted screen. just one problem. they cannot yet manage viewing on the ipad.
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the big broadcast need all the viewers they can get. nbc just fell out of the big four and into fifth place. nbc lost out to univision. i guess that is solid. you get what you pay for, now cablevision is turning that on its head. you will pay for you gets. the soaring cost of sports tv contracts will be funded by sports fans rather than by the rest of us. quarter till now. we have nicole petallides at the new york stock exchange. nicole: one that has been a real winner of this week, of course,
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jcpenney. of over 12% this week. they took away the discount, they reinstated the discounts. trying to figure out what makes the customers happy. a vigorous outlook on how to make this company happy and the customers. right now it is down almost 8%. they did not do as well as they had hoped during the holidays. as a result, their numbers are not as good as expected overall. jcpenney today a real winner and abercrombie falling back. back to you. sandra: i think sizing is a real problem for hollister. dennis: i have that problem also. sandra: we have a guest ahead
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with an unbelievable track record of picking winners for the oscars. dennis: we have combined our love for movies with our love for business. we are asking ceos what movie inspired them. what auto ceos life was changed by a movie about communism? the answer will be in three minutes. c ♪ r a final go. this is for real this time. step seven point two one two. rify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one. standing by for capture. the most innovative software on the planet... dragon is captured. is connecting today's leading companies to places beyond it. siemens. answers. (announcer) at scottrade, our clto make their money do (ann) to help me plan my next move,
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i take scottrade's free, in-branch seminars... plus, their live webinars. i use daily market commentary to improve my strategy. and my local scottrade office guides my learning every step of the way. because they know i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) scottrade... ranked "highest in customer loyalty for brokerage and investment companies."
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sandra: before the break, we ask you which auto ceos life was changed but a movie about communism. dennis: the answer is carlos
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from nissan. listen to this. 949 last year. let's start with best picture. >> "argo" no question. we could see -- "argo" has been like a steamroller. it is a slamdunk. it will be a great moment. i guarantee you. dennis: best director? >> pulls off an upset over steven spielberg.
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[talking over each other] >> it was a brilliant film. "lincoln" was too long and too boring. dennis: best actor? >> daniel lee lewis as abraham lincoln, of course, slamdunk. greatest living actor. dennis: he went too many times. i guess we will go best actress? >> many people would think "silver linings playbook", but it was not an oscar performance. she will pull off an upset. dennis: i thought "zero dark 30" >> it is a merry-go-round role.
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another surprise here is robert deniro. he will pull out and upset. he has won twice before. the last time was 32 years ago. he will win. dennis: who is the favorite here? >> he seemed like tommy lee jones. dennis: it is not an insult to get a big star like deniro -- >> i think he will be happy. dennis: supporting actress? >> and hathaway in les miserables. she chops off her hair. she screams for mercy. she is a slamdunk.
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sorry, but she is going to win. dennis: will there be a big surprise? >> i guarantee these predictions are the most accurate ones. you heard it here first. if i am wrong, i will not come back to work on monday. dennis: hollywood is always torn between wanting something that is very successful versus being nice. >> it is funny. the nine nominees for best picture did gross $100 million. "argo" a big success. the other key films which have done well at the box office will when other awards. it will be a great night. dennis: ben affleck.
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>> i think he will be very happy to accept the best picture ox it does seem a little adhere. nonetheless, i know that this will be a great moment. dennis: let's remember we thought "avatar" woodwind. >> i was right here and i guarantee it would not win. dennis: thank you very much for being with us. good job. sandra: a big triple digit gain. take note that there are some comments coming out of the fed that the bond line will continue. we had a selloff yesterday.
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that may come to an end in 2014. sort of a reversal of that selloff yesterday. by the way, if we close that 13992, that will be a positive finish for the dow for the week. pepsi now a collector's item in thailand. it expired its partners of almost 60 years. pepsi a thing of the past. the bottling break up caused pepsi to lose access to 200,000 stores in that country. thailand was one of the few countries where pepsi outsold coca-cola, but in 2011 coke took the lead. pepsi and coca-cola both trading to the upside. dennis: i am liking that. coming up, do not call it a
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comeback. the dowel rolling back after two straight down days. we have a warning from a wealth manager that will kill this was. sandra: do not kill the buzz. a security breach. you will want to use this if you use twitter or tumbler or any of those social networking sites. ashley webster and shibani joshi will have that next. ♪
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